
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Latin and Sanskrit Numbers 1-10

The purpose of this comparison is to demonstrate a commonality between two Indo-European languages that were geographically isolated from one another, which further indicates a common root of all Indo-European languages despite geographic dispersal.

[Latin / Sanskrit]

1. Uno / Eka
2. Duo / Dvi
3. Tres / Tri
4. Quatuor / Catur
5. Quinque / Pañcan
6. Sex / Sas
7. Septem/ Saptan
8. Octo / Astan
9. Novem / Navan
10. Decem / Dasan


  1. Fascinating that they are so similar over such a large expanse of area and time.

  2. Bhagavan Sri Satya Sai Baba said English language is grand-daughter language, Latin is daughter language and Samskritam (Sanskrit) is the mother language, because English is derived from Latin and the latter in turn from Samskritam.

  3. And Tamil is Great great GrandMother
